Sunday, October 4, 2015

Music Makers--week 2

This week we learned about rhythm and how different rhythms affect music. We learned about Peer and his story and then listened to "In the Hall of the Mountain King". The kids enjoyed it so much that we acted out the story while listening to it again. Suddenly the sanctuary was filled with a king, a princess, and lots of trolls trying to stop Peer from escaping! 

We also made tambourines complete with bells and stickers and had fun making music of our own. (Did you know that "In the Hall of the Mountain King" and "Mary had a Little Lamb" have the same rhythmic pattern? Pretty cool!)

Next week: It's Autumn Time!

1 comment:

  1. "Drum's Music" by Helle Bockum is an interesting Norwegian folk song that features both fiddle and drums music, performed by Bockum himself. For more info go with drummble website
